Most people won't notice an old truck sitting in a field out in the country somewhere,
or at best, they just see it as abandoned junk.
But, if you're like me (and you probably are, since you've come to this page),
you see an old retired "workhorse" spending it's remaining days at rest.
Maybe you wonder about all the work it's done, or the miles of roads it's traveled, or how it looked when
it was shiney and new. And, like me, you might stop and take a closer look.
Although modern trucks are bigger, faster,
more efficient, and more comfortable,
I think that trucks from the first half of the twentieth century
have a certain beauty that modern trucks lack.
Whether a classic truck is original, lovingly restored, or just left in the last place it could make it to,
I think it's beauty shows through, and it's this beauty that I've tried to capture in my photographs.
I hope you like them
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Page 5 added 7/19/02
Page 6 added 8/16/02
Page 7 added 10/21/02
Pages 8 & 9 added 12/10/02
Page 10 added 12/12/02
Page 11 added 1/26/03
Page 12 added 4/9/03
Page 13 added 9/24/03
page 14 added 1/17/04
page 15 added 1/27/05
page 16 added 10/27/06 Classic Truck Photographs